Rachel and Marshall's Front Door

Leaving her house for work

Rachel's Work

This is the office where she works in Oceanside

Rachel's desk

Rachel's office

She has her own OFFICE!

Rachel's work


with his summertime beard!

Kendall with only a mustache

(if you can even see it ;-) )

Kendall at the San Diego ballpark

Rachel at the ball game

The scoreboard


The field

Rachel and Dad showing off their drinks

Kendall and Mom laughing at them


Southern California Quilt shop

Deb and Rachel

They like quilt shops!

Rachel's kitchen

So big you can play frisbee in it.

Kendall throwing frisbee

Rachel throwing frisbee

Kendall in the 'stang


Rachel, Deb, Kendall, Joe


Rachel and Kendall

Rachel and Marshall's house

from the front

Dad driving the Honda Hybrid!

Sea World sea lions

Joe and Kendall


Killer Whale show

feeding dolphins

Dolphin show


Polar bear